Advisors to Watch 2024 The AdvisorHub Advisors to Watch ranking was published in June 2024. Advisors with a minimum AUM of $150 m and seven years of experience were nominated and considered. The rankings were based on year-over-year growth, the size of the practice, and professionalism. No compensation was considered for this ranking.
200 Advisors to Watch (Fast Growing) 2023 The ranking was published in June of 2023 and is open to all firms and advisors. Nominees are required to have a minimum of seven years’ experience, $100m minimum AUM, and a clean regulatory record. Using data on assets, households, and production, we rank advisors on three categories: scale, growth, and professionalism. No compensation was considered for this ranking.
America’s Top Next-Gen Wealth Advisors 2023 The Forbes Next-Gen Wealth Advisors rankings, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative criterion—mostly gained through telephone, virtual, and in-person due diligence interviews—and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of four years' experience, and the algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, assets under management, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass the highest standards of best practices. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive a fee in exchange for rankings. No compensation was considered for this ranking.
25 Next Gen Advisors To Watch 2022 The ranking was published in June of 2022 to recognize growers and movers – advisors who are actively attracting new clients and growing their portfolios. We broke the ranking criteria into three main categories: scope of practice measured by assets, production, and level of service; growth of practice consisting of year-over-year growth in assets, households, and production; and professionalism, which includes regulatory record, community service, and team diversity. No compensation was considered for this ranking.